-Entreprise Local
-Livraison Rapide
-Acheter en ligne ramasser en magasin
-Entreprise Local
-Livraison Rapide
-Acheter en ligne ramasser en magasin
-Entreprise Local
-Livraison Rapide
-Acheter en ligne ramasser en magasin
Park ToolChain Scrubber CM-5.3
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Chain Tool,Tools
-Entreprise Local
-Livraison Rapide
-Acheter en ligne ramasser en magasin
- Compatible with all multi and single-speed chains*
- Compatible with center and rear drive e-bikes
*All standard bicycle chain sizes will fit through the CM-5.3. However, some single-speed bikes are not fully compatible with the CM-5.3 due to the low clearance between the chain and chain stay.
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