-Entreprise Local
-Livraison Rapide
-Acheter en ligne ramasser en magasin
Mutherload Bike Strap
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-Entreprise Local
-Livraison Rapide
-Acheter en ligne ramasser en magasin
Mounts on frame Sized to fit a standard 26", 27.5" or 29" tube by itself or with 1-2 16g cartridges, 1-2 20g cartridges, 1-2 25g cartridg-es, multi-tool, mini pump, levers or whatever combo you want. Adjusts to accommodate frames as small as 4" in circumference (think steel frame) all the way up to a 9" circumference carbon frame. Sewn with #92 industrial UV and rot resistant bonded polyester thread clean up is easy, hose off or throw in the w
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